Cherepovets city
Brief Information about the City of Cherepovets
Cherepovetswasfounded upon the decree of Catherine II on November 4, 1777.
Competitive Advantages of Cherepovets
TheCityofCherepovetsislocatedattheinterfaceofthreeeconomicregions: EuropeanNorth, Northwestern economic regionandCentral Russia. ThelargesteconomiccentersofRussiasuch as Moscow and St. Petersburg aresituated within a 500-km radius from Cherepovets. Alltypesoftransportationservicesaredevelopedinthecityincluding therailroad and motorway of Federal significance, Volga-Baltic Waterway and an international airport.
TheCityofCherepovetsis the largest industrial center in North-West Russia. Themajorindustrialpotentialliesinsteel making and chemical branches. TheCherepovetsIron and Steel Works, themainbusiness asset of the Severstal Steelmaking Company, is situated in the city. Ontopofthatthelargestassetsofthe PhosAgro-Cherepovets Company, a mineral fertilizer producer, are located in Cherepovets. TraditionallySeverstalandPhosAgroareactive participants not only of the domestic, but also of the global sales market (the client base of the enterprises exceeds 50 thousand Russian and foreign companies). Theenterpriseshavereceivednumerousinternationalcertificates that confirm their products quality as well as management quality. Securitiesofthecompaniesarelistedat stock exchanges in Moscow and London. The companies are included in the leading global ratings. Steady development of business proves competitive capabilities of the Cherepovets enterprises, whose presence in the city provides a steady taxable base, well-paid work places, implementation of modern business practices and technologies, realization of joint social projects, and new opportunities for further economic potential development.
TheWell-EstablishedCulturalTraditionofanIndustrialCity – People Who Are Loyal to a Factory Job
The fall in prestige of a factory job is oneoftheapparentconsequencesofthepost-Sovietperiodofourcountrydevelopment. Thisisaconstrainingfactorfortheeconomyandinvestmentgrowth potential. Thisproblemhassomewhatinfluenced Cherepovets as well. At the same time last 60 years of the Cherepovets history are closely connected with the establishment and development of a new industrial cluster in North-West Russia. Theindustryofthecityhascontinuedtodevelopevenduringthehard period of our country dissolution and further crises. Thepresenceofsuchhugeenterprisesinthecitymeansnotonlystabilityforitscitizensbutalsoanopportunity for self-realization within the framework of the companies with well-known brands and modern corporate culture. Atthesametimeallthisformsloyalattitudeofnew generations of Cherepovets citizens toafactoryjob. Industrialpotentialofthecityconditionsthepattern of migration as well.
Developing Structure of the City Economy
BusinessesofvariousscalesarerepresentedintheCherepovets economy. Thepresenceofhugeindustrialenterpriseshasbecomea good base for the development of small and medium manufacturing businesses. Steadyworkofindustrialenterprisesinitsturncreatesfavorable conditions for the development of new directions in service sector. Thestructuraldiversificationofthecityeconomycanbenowobserved – almosteverysecondable-bodiedcitizenis engaged in the sector of small and medium entrepreneurship. Accordingtoexpertopinion, Cherepovetsisaclearillustrationof how businesses of various levels and scales can co-exist on one and the same territory and demonstrate mutually profitable development. Thepotentialofsuchcooperationisfarnotexhaustedand itcanhavesignificant impact on the development of technological multistructurality of the city economy.
PreservedSystemofVocationalTrainingandHigherEducation, Personnel Training and Development
Economydeclinein 90shasledtodestructionofthesystemofelementaryandintermediatevocationaleducationwhereastertiaryschooldemonstrated a tilt towards humanitarian and financial education. Cherepovetshasmanagedto notonlypreservebutalsodevelop a multileveleducationalsystemthroughcooperationofsteelmaking, chemical and machine making enterprises with vocational education and training institutions of the city. TheestablishmentofCherepovetsStateUniversity (ChSU) in 1996 hashadsignificantimpactonthedevelopmentoftertiaryschoolinthecity;citizenshave got an opportunity to acquire new professions that were in high demand in modern society. In 2012 ChSUunderwentacertificationprocedureandwasrecognized to be an economically efficient educational institution.